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Angels have become quite commercialized, and even trivialized, lately; however, they are not to be taken lightly. Angels are great spiritual helpers. Often they will give us peace, comfort, and healing; many times, when we need it the most. Our angels are sent to us to carry out a function in our lives, or the lives of others, in order to teach us lessons and guide us. Although sometimes it may seem as though they are not acting to help us, as we would like, they are always working for our highest good. Your angels can take different forms. They are people form your past, or who have some connection to you in some way; in some dimension. You can talk to your angels as you would to anyone close to you. Sometimes angels will stay with you for a short time, but others will stay with you throughout your life. Some people have contact with angels, but do not acknowledge it, for fear people will ridicule them or think them "crazy." Actually, angels are there for everyone, and it is quite common to have had angelic experiences!